Saturday, March 28, 2009

Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

I won't deny it. I'm a hypochondriac. I once thought my kidney was failing, that I had a brain tumor, and a slight case of narcolepsy. But most of the time it's just a sinus infection. Lately though, I have been feeling extra down in the dumps, and by lately I mean this week. I couldn't put my finger on the problem but noticed the fact that I was 10 times happier yesterday when the sun came out for about 45 minutes. Thus, I concluded, I must be suffering Seasonal Affective Disorder. I mean seriously, it's officially Spring - so why is the sky consistently gray and the wind so chilly?

I did a little research (aka googled) and found I am indeed suffering the symptoms:
  • Depression (check!)
  • Hopelessness ("he's never going to call. i'm going to be a cat lady, it's hopeless")
  • Anxiety (yup!)
  • Loss of energy (absolutely. another round of caffeine, anyone?)
  • Social withdrawal ("kiss, want to go out tonight?" -cake "no!" -kiss)
  • Oversleeping (if only i could)
  • Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed (boo eff drinking, dancing, and laughing)
  • Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates (would explain my tortilla chip, waffle, and pretzel binges)
  • Weight gain (see above)
  • Difficulty concentrating and processing information (my boss: "erika, have you done xyz?" me: what, i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention.")
So there you have it. Turns out the only cures on nice weather and light box therapy. Although tequila might help. Sigh.


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