At first I thought- OK, another one of VH1's lame reality shows with half naked catfights, 90s rockers on tour buses, and mud wrestling. But then, I decided to give Tough Love a chance. I'm officially addicted. First of all, Steve Ward is as cute as a button and I can accept his advice without thinking of him as pompous and/or arrogant. Dare I say, I see a few of my flaws some of these girls (minus the ex-stripper and the one from Scottsdale who is just nuts) and I am totally heeding Steve's advice. I almost want to run out on a date as we speak and see if it works. I like how the matchmaker is man. I mean, doesn't that make most sense - to hear what a guy has to say?
I even went as far as to tasking Steve if he was single on Twitter. Does that make me a little Miss Fatal Attraction? Maybe, but it was worth it. I wonder how much he charges?
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